Slimming yoga

We all want to have a slim, toned body. Often times, this requires shedding those extra pounds, which requires a certain amount of physical activity. It is not enough to take care of yourself, to attend cultural events; the physical component directly affects the state of mind and the perception of oneself. No special diet or pill can keep the body in shape. The best solution is yoga to lose weight.

Yoga classes solve not only physical problems, but also psychological ones. After all, the fundamental principle that yoga preaches is acceptance of yourself, your body. When a person acquires inner integrity, a great deal of energy is saved, which is daily expended in the opposition of inner attitudes and subconscious desires.

After a few workouts, you will notice significant changes in your body: the tone will appear throughout the body, stamina and mobility will increase, and you will always be chased by a positive mood. This is the most effective way to lose weight quickly and with quality, as well as to maintain the required weight constantly. This sports direction solves several of these problems:

  • elimination of excess weight as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • acceleration of the body's metabolic processes;
  • solve problems of improper functioning of digestion, peristalsis and prevention of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of emotional stress;
  • finding yourself in this world, feeling and accepting yourself;
  • As a result of solving all the problems, healthy eating habits and the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle will appear.
Yoga classes solve not only physical problems, but also psychological ones

Which yoga is the best way to lose weight?

There are a large number of yoga instructions, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for you. The combination of multiple addresses is displayed more efficiently. The choice of yoga style depends on the characteristics of the body, physical condition and psychological state.

If you are a beginner and need yoga to lose weight at home, choose Iyengar yoga. This direction will help you find balance and tone already in the first stage of training. As the process is simplified, when you feel the strength to perform asanas, you can begin Ashtanga yoga. If you have been in this field for more than a year, choose dynamic directions like vinyasa yoga.

If you had any physical injury during yoga classes, you should pay attention to the direction of Mysore Yoga. The Mysore class gives total freedom during classes, you can leave during the performance, if necessary. It should take about 3 hours to complete. Before starting classes, it is important to study the nuances, as well as consult with a personal trainer. After that, it is better to start performing asanas, this will allow you to get the best effect.

Don't forget about breathing techniques and meditation. In the course of yoga, the respiratory system improves, breathing is restored faster with intense physical effort. Also, everyone knows that deep breathing burns calories, accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the excretory and digestive systems.

Will yoga help those who want to lose weight?

For most, the question of whether yoga is suitable for weight loss is relevant. The way to lose weight begins first with a complete transformation of the psychological relationship with the body. To reconsider the attitude towards yourself, your physical shell, this is exactly the attitude that yoga creates. The beginning of weight loss is in the head. Setting the energy in the right direction allows you to start to get a positive result.

Among other things, you must create a proper nutrition plan and adhere to a regular exercise regimen. Yoga in sporting terms helps to include all kinds of muscles at work, to work on the "problem areas" as much as possible.

Benefits of yoga for weight loss

With active breathing and performing dynamic yoga asanas Asanas in yoga: yoga poses and exercises for beginners to reduce weight, a full supply of oxygen is produced to the cells of the body.

  • the metabolism is accelerated, the process of burning calories is normalized;
  • Proper functioning of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract allows you to eliminate toxins from the body and also stimulates metabolism;
  • the feeling of tiredness and drowsiness decreases;

Consistent physical activity helps prevent stretch marks and sagging skin, as occurs with a diet. The body becomes elastic and resistant. This result is good news, you must agree.

The result of the practice can be displayed as a string:

desire to lose weight - yoga for weight loss - self-acceptance - weight loss - self-confidence - desire to change life for the better

Yoga to lose weight a set of exercises for beginners

In this article, we will provide some basic exercises for losing weight. They are designed for beginners without serious physical training.

Exercise 1: Side-to-Side Shoulder Rotations

Stand on a mat with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet parallel to each other. While maintaining this position, raise your arms in front of you and place them at the level of the shoulder girdle. You should then perform regular head and arm turns from right to left. At this time, the rest of the body should be held still, the body and legs should be tense, the posture should be maintained, and the lower back should not be bent.

Exercise 2: Kapalabhati

Kapalabhati is an airway exercise also known as "breathing fire". We place our feet at the width of the pelvis, straighten the back and tighten the whole body. We make the inhalation arbitrary and, when exhaling, we pull the navel as far as possible towards the spine. The exercise should be done quickly without moving. One approach should be at least 20-25 respiratory approaches.

Benefits of Kapalabhati

The kapalabhati breathing practice cleanses the lungs and sinuses. In addition, the effect of the classes is the stimulation of cardiovascular activity, body tone. With vigorous contractions of the abdomen, there is an intense massage of the abdominal muscles, which are located below the abdominal muscles. The process stimulates blood circulation in the abdomen and abdomen, improves the flow of lymph and blood.

Exercise 3: Agnisara Dhauti

The agnisara-dhauti breathing practice or "purification with fire" should be done after the kapalabhati cycle. Fixed mule bandha, in a half squat position, place your hands on your knees and exhale all the air intensely. You can do several pre-exhalations so that there is no air in the lungs.

Next, you need to breathe wrong: push the stomach towards the vertebrae inwards and then completely relax the muscles and, so to speak, "pull out" the stomach. Initially, do the back and forth movements as many times as you can. At the end of the exercise, relax your abdominal muscles and inhale slowly. Ideally, 3-5 cycles can be performed.

Benefits of Agnisara Dhauti

All breathing practices aim to improve the digestive function of the body, increase vitality and tone of the body, increase self-confidence. Regular practice of fire cleansing will help increase lung capacity and control diaphragm function. Agnisara also harmonizes the 5 pranas that flow in the human body.

Exercise 4: Utkatasana


You need to do utkatasana or chair pose. To do this, we stand exactly on the carpet or on the floor. We perform a breathing cycle in yoga. With an exhale, we lower our body as if we wanted to sit in a chair. At this time, we raise our hands above our head, placing them parallel to each other. Make sure that the pelvis does not bend, lower the tailbone towards the pubic bone. The knees should not go beyond the heels. You must stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.

The benefits of chair posture

Helps increase balance ability by strengthening leg and ankle muscles. Balance and equilibrium affect not only the physical but also the mental plane. In addition, the utkanasana pose perfectly massages the abdominal organs, stimulates the cardiovascular system and the work of the diaphragm.

Will practicing yoga help those who want to lose weight? By doing yoga continuously, you will receive a surge of strength and energy, a feeling of joy and satisfaction. By being patient and giving due time to practices and studies, you will definitely see the result of your work.