Effective Watermelon Diet Over Sweet Juicy Watermelon

Everyone loves a sweet and juicy watermelon, which means that many will like the watermelon diet. Losing weight usually involves a meager diet, boring and tasteless meals. But this does not apply to the big sweet berry! On the contrary, the watermelon diet to lose weight is a great example of how to lose weight with pleasure. This weight loss option will allow you to shed extra pounds without hunger or discomfort.

Watermelon diet: how to follow it correctly?

Juicy watermelon for weight loss

First of all, you need to choose the right watermelon. The pulp of the fruit should be matte. When squeezing a watermelon, a characteristic crunch will appear. And when touched, a dull sound will be heard. All of this suggests that the watermelon is ripe and juicy. It should be remembered that you should not buy more than 8 kg of fruit. The fact is, these watermelons likely contain chemicals.

How to eat this delicious fruit while dieting? Little by little, but often. Watermelon is diuretic and should not be consumed just before bedtime. But in the morning and evening, you can enjoy the juicy taste.

There are different options for this diet. But in any case, there are general rules that must be followed:

  • every day it is necessary to drink herbal tea or mineral water to avoid dehydration;
  • you can eat up to a kilogram of sweet fruit per day;
  • you can adhere to such a diet for no more than ten days, so as not to harm your health;
  • it is necessary to leave the diet gradually, adding different foods to the diet. In this case, the food should be light.

Of course, the watermelon diet has many benefits. Due to the diuretic effect, watermelons remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling. Also, this fruit contains many valuable substances, therefore it saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. And even during such weight loss, you can enjoy the taste of sweet fruit.

But there are also downsides to this system. First of all, this fruit puts strong pressure on the kidneys. Second, such a weight loss system cannot be used for diabetes and stomach diseases. Third, the short elections are not balanced. Also, according to the National Institutes of Health, hyperkalemia can lead to cardiovascular problems. The potassium content in 100 g of watermelon is 110 mg. With hyperkalemia, watermelon should be consumed in small quantities.

Diet food menu

How to build a food menu? It all depends on the diet option. There is a watermelon diet for three, five, seven, and ten days.

This option is simple, a three-day diet involves the use of cottage cheese, rice, oatmeal, fruits, eggs, millet, kefir, black bread, and boiled chicken. The menu is quite varied.

It should be built like this:

  • in the morning: oatmeal in water and 300 g of watermelon; or a persimmon, watermelon, apple and prune salad;
  • sandwich: watermelon;
  • lunch: salad of boiled cucumber and chicken and vegetables; or two sandwiches with cottage cheese and herbs;
  • snack: 200 g of the main product; or a boiled egg;
  • in the evening: cottage cheese and pear; or kefir and a slice of black bread.

During such a meal, the feeling of hunger will not torment you. So if you want, you can start with the three-day option.

But the five-day diet has a less varied menu. You can only eat buckwheat, rice, cheese, cottage cheese. It can be made fresh from the main product by adding mint and honey.

The menu will be like this:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese and tea;
  • lunch: buckwheat and herbs;
  • snack: cottage cheese or cheese;
  • at night: rice.

You need to have a snack with watermelon. The menu is sparse, so if you're hungry, it's best to give preference to the seven-day option.

Seven-day diet: eat watermelon at night and in the morning. Also, rice, lean meat, cottage cheese, fish, cheese, eggs, greens, yogurt, buckwheat, oatmeal, and kefir are allowed. Of course, the menu can be easily created.

These are the options:

  • breakfast: rice, watermelon, green tea; or buckwheat, a slice of bread and tea with honey; or oatmeal and watermelon;
  • lunch: boiled meat and watermelon; or oatmeal and vegetable salad; or boiled fish and buckwheat; or baked chicken and salad;
  • snack: cottage cheese; or cheese; or an egg; or yogurt;
  • in the evening: a staple and a couple of slices of black bread.

You should eat a juicy berry three hours before going to bed. If you are hungry, you can have a slice of cheese and have a cup of tea with honey.

The simplest option is for ten days. All fatty, fried, buttery and sweet are worth eliminating. Boil, bake or cook meat and fish. Most vegetables are eaten raw. Choose cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt with a low percentage of fat. Eat 2-3 slices of black bread a day, no more.

And the menu will be something like this:

  • in the morning - buckwheat and two slices of juicy berries;
  • sandwich: staple food;
  • lunch: chicken cutlet and salad; or vegetable soup and baked fish with vegetables;
  • snack: three slices of watermelon;
  • in the evening: cottage cheese, bread and tea with honey;
  • three hours before bedtime: two slices of the fetus.

Of course, the menu may be slightly different. But it is important to stick to the basics.

What recipes can you choose during such weight loss?

Watermelon and fresh slices on the watermelon diet menu.

You can choose any recipe, the main thing is that they are healthy and tasty. Here are some simple options.

Vegetable soup

Cut the carrots into slices, chop a small onion, chop two potatoes at random. Disassemble the cauliflower and broccoli into inflorescences. Put all the vegetables in boiling water, cook for ten minutes. Add salt, pepper, marjoram, chopped tomato. Cook for another ten minutes. Serve with low-fat sour cream and chopped herbs.


Dice the celery stalk, cucumber and bell pepper. Cut the red onion in half. Combine everything, add the chopped parsley, season with natural yogurt.

Steamed fish

Salt and pepper 100 g of red fish. Put the herbs in a double boiler: basil, dill, arugula, coriander. Put the fish on top and cook for 25 minutes. Serve with a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Sandwiches with cottage cheese

Beat the cottage cheese with the chopped dill and parsley, add a little salt. Grease the slices of rye bread with the resulting dough, decorate with a sprig of parsley.

Baked chicken

Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper, sprinkle with nutmeg, marjoram and rosemary, rub with garlic. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven until tender. Serve with a vegetable and herb salad. Or you can just make a pillow out of greenery.

The watermelon diet for weight loss is a great option for those who love this berry and are not afraid to experiment.