Diuretics for weight loss: is it worth the game?

Diet pills, particularly diuretics, are perhaps one of the most tempting ways to say goodbye to excess weight. How nice it would be to swallow a pill in which someone clever packed the active substances, and calmly watch how the needle of the scale slides down and the sides acquired during the winter melt! . . . It's a shame, but in reality everything is far from being so charming.

The principle of action of diuretic pills for weight loss

As the old joke goes, we are all a bit of a cucumber because we are 90% water. Laughter is laughter, and this is partly true: if not 90, then 65-70 percent of our body is actually liquid. And it's not just the obvious blood, sweat and saliva! Every cell in the body contains water, without which it could not exist normally, divide and develop.

However, from time to time metabolic processes fail and there is too much water in the human body, and we have swelling, high blood pressure and interruptions in the work of the heart, which receives an increased load during those periods. In this case, diuretic-diuretic drugs were invented. They are:

  • remove excess fluid from the tissues, contributing to its transformation into urine;
  • block those renal systems that are responsible for the reabsorption (reabsorption) of urinary water.

As a result, there is a strong "outflow" of fluid from the body, which affects the readings of the balance. And sometimes very impressive!

Diuretics remove water from the body and reduce weight.

And now about the unpleasant.Taking diuretics in no way affects the body's fat stores, it does not burn, break down or eliminate them.No matter how impressive a plumb line you fix, remember this is just water, which will bounce back quickly if you stop taking pills.

However, we will not completely deny the benefits of diuretics in the fight against excess weight.

  1. They have a cleansing effect, removing decomposition products from the body. And this has a beneficial effect on both the health and appearance of a person.It is important not to overdo it here, because, having removed unnecessary substances, diuretics with the same heat will take the necessary ones, leaving you without salts and minerals (in particular, calcium).
  2. A diuretic can provide powerful psychological support to a person who is losing weight: sometimes it is very useful to see how the extra kilos melt away before your eyes.

But all this will work only if the drug is due to medical indications (edema, pressure) or is prescribed by a doctor for preventive purposes. Support it with a simple diet and jogging in the park, and the problem of excess weight will disappear in a matter of days. But doctors categorically do not recommend using a diuretic solely for the purpose of fighting excess weight. In this case, the harm from the unauthorized use of the drug often outweighs its benefits.

Diuretics should not be taken as diet pills. These are primarily medications designed to help people with problems with the genitourinary, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. And the weight loss is just an original side effect.

types of diuretics

There are two ways to remove excess fluid from the body: take an artificially synthesized drug or use a "natural" diuretic. The first option is more efficient, the second is safer.


Pharmacy diuretics can be divided into 3 main groups.

The first and most powerful.they are loop drugs, named for their ability to act on Genglé's loop, located in the kidney. They relax vascular smooth muscles, accelerate renal blood flow, increase filtration, reduce interstitial fluid volume, and remove magnesium, potassium, chloride, and sodium salts from the body. Loop drugs act quickly, effectively, are used in peak situations, for example, in a hypertensive crisis or pulmonary edema, and . . . they have the widest list of side effects.

Carefully! These are diuretics of the strongest action. Prescribing a loop diuretic without consulting a doctor means putting your health at risk.

second group- tazidnye drugs - have a less pronounced effect. His "attention" is directed to the renal tubules, as a result of which salts and fluids are also removed from the body, but with less force. Tazidnye drugs are prescribed for edema, pressure, glaucoma.

Tazide diuretics are sometimes taken in combination with loop diuretics.

third group, diuretic drugs with a potassium-sparing effect, have the most gentle effect on the body and a minimum of contraindications. They reduce pressure, fight swelling, but at the same time prevent potassium loss.

Despite the smoothness of action, potassium-sparing drugs will cause you a lot of trouble if you decide to take them randomly.

natural diuretic

Self-administration of certain drugs is always fraught with undesirable consequences. But natural diuretics do not carry such a danger. Of course, compared to tablets, they act very gently, but nevertheless have the desired effect, causing the kidneys to remove fluid from the body in an enhanced way. What are these products?

Fruits, vegetables and berries

  1. It's no secret why you shouldn't eat watermelon at night: going to the bathroom will never end. And all because of its juicy pulp, which in our case is perfect for the role of natural diuretic!It is true that it is also full of dangers, since it contains a lot of glucose, so you should not get carried away by aromatic fruits either.Everything must be in moderation.
  2. But with blueberries, you can be bolder. Its sour juice not only acts as a diuretic, but also has an antibacterial effect, retains potassium in the body, heals the organs of the urinary system.
  3. The lemon behaves in a similar way. Squeeze half a fruit in a glass of water to obtain a drink that stimulates the excretion of liquids, lowers blood pressure and protects the urinary tract from infections.
  4. We already talked about cucumber at the beginning of the article. It is -the first- full of water, so it puts the kidneys on alert. And the second, contains sulfur and silicon, which contribute to the elimination of uric acid from the body.
  5. Vegetables and fruits are natural diuretics that do not harm the body.
  6. Juicy steamed celery with cucumber brings fluid to the cells of our body and kick-starts water metabolism. Add it frequently to vitamin shakes or crunch the stems fresh for a snack.
  7. You have probably heard of the laxative effect of beetroot salads. But few people know that it is also a good diuretic and a lot of antioxidants. Arm yourself with a grater!
  8. Cabbage retains its diuretic properties even when added to soup. But it is better to eat it raw: in this case, it will also strengthen the heart and serve the stomach.
  9. No less useful and raw carrots. Diuretic effect - times; vision benefit - two; restoration of intestinal microflora - three; the ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism - four; pantry of nicotinic acid, which helps burn fat - five. . . You can list for a long time, but it is better to include carrot dishes in your menu and enjoy delicious weight loss.

In addition to these products, melon, pumpkin, pear, strawberry, viburnum, blackberry, gooseberry, lingonberry, lettuce, asparagus, eggplant, courgette, spinach, onion and Garlic have a slight diuretic effect.

Another advantage of fruits and vegetables over pills is that, while they remove some of the beneficial substances from the body due to their diuretic effect, they more than make up for the losses due to their high vitamin and mineral content.

herbs and spices

  1. Since time immemorial, green tea has served people as a source of youth and health, as well as a quality remedy for edema. Make sure that the package with this valuable drink will definitely find a place on the shelf of your kitchen cabinet. It is recommended to drink 1 to 3 cups of green tea a day.
  2. Ginger removes excess fluids and toxins. Use it as follows: 1 tbsp. Igrated ginger root pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours and drink the resulting infusion with the addition of honey and sometimes milk, like regular tea. However, the burning root irritates the mucous membrane, so use it very, very sparingly, no more than 1 tablespoon. ginger shavings per day. The duration of the course depends on how you feel, but it is desirable that it does not exceed 2 weeks. And if you have problems with the digestive system, it is better to completely refuse to use spices.
  3. Parsley stimulates urination, improves digestion and floods the body with antioxidants. It also slightly whitens teeth and freshens breath, so feel free to add it to dishes while cooking. Or do this: 1-2 tbsp. chopped parsley, pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew until completely cooled, strain and drink the broth during the day - 3/4 cup 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Dill in folk medicine has a reputation as a strong carminative and diuretic. Prepare it the same way as parsley, or do this: 1 tsp. dill seeds pour 1 cup of boiling water, cool and drink the resulting infusion, 2 tbsp. I before each meal. The full course is 2 weeks.
  5. Nettle, like ginger, cleanses the body not only from excess fluid, but also from harmful substances. It works best when taken in equal parts with oregano and birch leaves. 3 art. icollection, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink during the day in 4-5 doses. The course of treatment is from a week to 1-1. 5 months.
In a natural first aid kit, you can find an alternative to many synthetic drugs in the form of diuretic herbs.

An invigorating morning drink, coffee literally dehydrates the body, removing fluids from it. If you are afraid of your pressure, try the usual. . . oatmeal. Oddly enough, it can also act as a mild diuretic. But salt, sugar and a large number of protein foods, on the contrary, will do everything to prevent you from losing a single drop of moisture. Limit your intake of these foods.

Dietary supplements serve as a kind of compromise between pharmacy and natural remedies. Being, in fact, the creation of the pharmaceutical industry, they contain extracts of plant components, which is why they are considered less dangerous than other diuretics. Which does not prevent you from having to read the instructions in detail!

Contraindications and side effects.

Diuretic drugs have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before going to the pharmacy to buy:

  • dehydration;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • decreased vision and hearing;
  • dizziness and headaches, ringing in the ears;
  • weakness and, in some cases, loss of consciousness;
  • malfunction of the vestibular apparatus responsible for the sense of balance;
  • disturbances in the activity of the heart caused by electrolyte losses;
  • skin rashes and increased sensitivity to sunlight;
  • excretion of vitamins and minerals from the body;
  • nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite;
  • gout due to increased uric acid levels.
Jokes with health end badly do not take diuretics if there are contraindications

No one should take diuretic medications without consulting a doctor. But people with diabetes, tuberculosis, gout, kidney and liver diseases should be especially careful with them. A separate category is pregnant women. Expectant mothers can treat diuretics strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

How to take diuretics at home to lose weight?

  1. First and foremost rule: consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to foresee all the pitfalls of your decision and prevent possible complications.And don't forget to tell your doctor if you're taking any other medications; this will determine its compatibility with diuretics.
  2. Drink clean water in the amount of 6-8 glasses a day. Otherwise, you risk becoming dehydrated.
  3. Consume as little salt and sugar as possible, which will retain fluids in your body. But do not deny yourself natural diuretics: fruits, vegetables and seasonings.
  4. Watch for weight fluctuations by getting on the scale every day, in the morning, at the same time, after going to the bathroom.
  5. If you don't feel well, immediately stop weight loss with diuretics and switch your efforts to dieting with exercise.

user review

A girl shares her experience with the use of diuretics to lose weight

"I'll be honest: a couple of times, when on the eve of the holiday I had to put on a tight dress and drain excess water from the body, I resorted to the help of a loop diuretic. But I knew that this was a one-time action and that I was not going to take these pills continuously. In general, dear girls, for weight loss, diuretics are better not to use at all or to use very, very rarely.