The most effective exercises for the sides and the belly

The deposition of the fat layer in the area of the hips, the waist and the abdomen — the most common problem of women and men with metabolic disorders and predisposition to excess weight. To start the fight with a surplus of adipose tissue in the abdomen and the sides, in the first place, you will need to start eating well and performing complex fat burning exercises that contribute to the "sleeves" extra pounds.

slimming in the abdomen and hips

Next, it is important to understand that lose weight on a particular part of the body, your body simply can not. Normally, the excess fat is going from the top down: first you lose weight the face, then the chest, after which it slowly excess in the arms, abdomen, waist, thighs, buttocks, and calf. That is why to lose weight equipped with one, you will need to do exercises load all over the body, and download the press for slimming the abdomen, as to do infinite angles of tilt from side to side in the typical error is to lose weight beginners: even if you get these exercises tone the muscles, which will increase slightly as the old of the layer of fat will remain in the same place and, in consequence, the belly and the waist will be just more. Therefore, to clean the deposits on the sides and belly it is necessary complex of exercises in order to lose weight.

To lose weight in the waist area, hips and abdomen, it is necessary to train three or four times a week. Trainer for the fast relief of weight recommend regular review of the programme of activities to a gradual increase in the complexity of the exercises. So the body is not accustomed to the brother loads, and therefore are not adapted to the conditions and stop the process of weight loss.

Exercises for hips and abdomen at home

The mandatory part of any workout is warming-up, with it, it might be worth starting any of the complexes of exercises to lose weight for men as for women. It is a warming heats up the joints and prepare the muscles to withstand large loads, ensure from potential injury during exercise. Then, you can start doing exercise to work out the volume of the sides and belly. More often they include a standard set of movements for which you need the mat and the weight of its own. You can also buy a huge tub of the ball, which will help you to do the exercises of slimming in the area of the press and the sides holding the balance. Here's an excellent ideal:

  • of torque,
  • trim on the elbows and the palms of the hands,
  • pull the feet,
  • mahi.

Combine various kinds of these simple exercises of fat burning will be even more effective. Repeat the exercises for slimming the abdomen and the sides need without the fanaticism and the excessive overhead, only attentive, responsible of each muscle. Around 12 to 15 repetitions of an exercise of 2-3 right approach to lose weight women, and from 18 to 20 most of 3 approach are ideal for losing weight in men. Going by these figures, in function of the previous level of training of loss of weight and other individual indicators.

Effective exercises for women

Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and the sides of the woman in the home is a set of simple movements that can make any woman without special preparation, adaptations, and cost savings. Run this workout program for slimming the abdomen and the sides may be three times a week, and if you want to more often. Important to dedicate enough time to the rest of the muscles.

  • The torsion of the upper part of the body

Lying on the flexible back of the legs at the knees, rest the feet on the ground, we activate the hands behind the head, elbows put side-to-side. Drawing the elbows to the knees, the tension of the abdominal muscles and the back. The neck and the head does not effort and do not pull the hands. The eyes pointing to the ceiling. Do not forget to breath deep and permanent muscle tension when running exercises to lose weight.

  • Twisting around the body

Having stretched when in full growth, we activated the hands behind the head. Breakfast and curl up in the bottom and top of the parts of the body, at the same time joining the shoulders and the knees on the weight. We return to the initial position on the floor, repeating the exercise for weight loss hips and abdomen.

  • Strap on direct hands

Direct the body on the four extremities is necessary to maintain as long as possible. The pelvis can not go down or go up too high: the head, back, buttocks, and lower legs should form a straight line. The more time to stand in this position — the faster you burn fat. Each time more time in the bar it is necessary to increase to speed up weight loss.

exercises to lose weight

  • Elevation of legs in the weight

Once back on the mat in supine position to set the hands under the buttocks, and with no hurry to lift the legs straight at an angle of 90 degrees. The more times you repeat, the sooner they appear the first results of weight loss.

  • The elevation of the leg on the side of the

We're going to side for the foot tight to the ground and the trunk in the same line. We rely on the elbow, with the other hand look. Lift the leg at an angle of 90 degrees. Exercise to lose weight it is necessary to perform in no hurry, feel the work of the abdomen, the waist, the buttocks, and don't forget to breathe deeply. After 15 elevations we're going to the other side and repeat the exercise in another part of the body.

  • Shoulder bridge leg at a right angle

Effective exercise to combat fat is the centre of the lying down position. Flexible the knees at a right angle, well the rest shoulders and the feet on the ground, hands are here throughout the body. We set up the hip and back so that from the knees to the chest below the line of inclination of the era of the straight. The maximum effort of the muscles of the abdomen and back, doing 10 cycles of breath, smooth we assume in the back, and we repeat the exercise another 3 or 4 times to accelerate the weight loss.

  • Scissors

Dip knees bent at the part lying on his back. We are not in a hurry, the breathing quiet, the issues of the maximum number of times.

  • The stretch of the hands to the feet

Effective exercise to burn fat, the hardening of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and of the development of the slim waist. Lying on your back, rest your feet on the floor, knees bent. Of the hand along the body are here on the ground. Alternatively curl of a part of the body, drawing the right hand to the right leg in a more profound way, and then straight, and drawn with the left hand toward the toes of the left foot. Works the waist, back and arms. The neck cannot be forced. We breathe deeply, move with care and feel like they work for the exercises of abdominal and spinal muscle — a sure sign of losing weight.

Set of exercises for men

The men of exercises for slimming hips and abdomen should be selected with an eye on the functioning all the muscle groups. The more a muscle is worked, the faster you expend the energy of the body and burn the reserves of fat even on the belly and sides. Men as well as women, without a proper nutrition and the rejection of bad habits from the results of ğsemántica not worth. Clean the grease of the sides and the belly is necessary to comprehensive the job on the workouts and the diet.

Repeat exercises to lose weight for men need 20 to 25 times, on average, the pace, the approach can be 3-4, depending on the physical preparation. Practice to speed up the best after a day, and combine these exercises with jogging, riding a bike, walking with obstacles and other types of cardio.

the ring of the waist

What type of exercise to choose a man to get rid of the round belly and paste sides?

  • The torque of the straight, with the knees bent

Drawing the elbows bent, by weight, of the knees in supine position;

  • Torsion of the slope of the surface of the

On incline bench fully suspended in the air towards the body on the exhale drawing the elbows up;

  • The push-ups of soil with high instep of the foot

Widely fixing the hands on the floor, with your legs straight up in the chair or on the bed. Do presses, inclined trunk, and direct, and collected, this is very important to speed up the thinning;

  • Push the dumbbells standing in the slope

The legs apart a little more than shoulders bend under a straight angle. Hand-in-hand with a dumbbell raise up your thighs toward the chest, the neck grip, the elbows close to the waist. We are not in a hurry and with care flexible elbows to not pull on the muscles of the hands. When this exercise to lose weight effort the belly and the buttocks, we do not forget the breathing technique;

  • Lunges with the bench the dumbbells forward

The initial position we will walk gently, holding the dumbbells with a reverse grab in their hands to the hips, making an attack with a foot forward, flexible the foot at a right angle, straight with the hands by pressing the dumbbell up to the level of the eyes. We return to the initial position, repeat the exercise for weight loss 15 and 20 times on each leg;

  • Pulling of the legs at a right angle on the asymmetric bars

Rest in the hand in the horizontal bar, lift the body, curl, at the height of the lower part of the body at a right angle, we work for the account of the abdominal muscles;

  • Strap on the palms of the hands with pulling the knee

We make the standard chassis in direct hand and alternately squeeze the chest every knee in the weight. This load is ideal for weight loss;

  • Belt with weights

Standard exercise in the direct hands is complicated by the dumbbell in the hand, which support the palm of the hand. Do not bend at the back and the legs rest on the three dots and the other to activate each side for the belt with the tension in the hands and in the press. An exercise very effective for to weight loss in the abdominal area and the sides, if it is done slowly and with security.

The best exercises for beginners

As quickly as per week to lose weight in the area of the sides and the belly? The question is especially relevant in the summer, when the rest in the sea, inevitably, is about, and the sides and the belly will inevitably grow. For blitz-round of fat deposits in the belly and the sides to pick up better balanced the mono-diet and a complex of physical exercises, that will quickly help you to lose weight. Immediately here, and that can be trying to lose weight is a few kilos in small installments, to lose weight months in this mode, is strictly prohibited.

The physical activity should not be limited by pumping abdominals and buttocks, in so little time it is better to act in a comprehensive way. For example, in the morning running, night swimming, and evening is better to spend a small 50-minute training in all the muscles groups to disperse the heart to accelerate the burning of fat in the belly and the sides. The main rule of the diet: do not eat two hours before and after the training.

The best exercises for beginners to reset the excess of the sides of the waist, abdomen:

  • Twisting in the tub ball or on the carpet

Classic torsion described above, but the exercise can be modified to accelerate the thinning, if you have the fitball. We're back on the ball, legs bent at a right angle, the rest the feet on the ground — it is our only dependency in this exercise. Hand-in-hand with the breeding with the elbows is activated by the nape of the neck and drawn above them, keeping the balance and feel the work of the muscles of the abdomen;

  • The Exercise Of "The Table"

We become in the posture of "Table" in the arms of straight and bent at a right angle and the feet. The head is not up on the body. From the knees up to the shoulders the body should be in a line. Then alternate lifting each leg over the body;

  • Strap with jumps of size full

We become the benchmark in direct hand, and we select the first one leg, then the other, we are in the legs straight, totally straight, leap up, hands up, again read, straighten a single leg, we became the bar. We repeat it is effective for exercise for slimming the abdomen and the sides of 10 times for each leg;

  • Lunges with presses, the dumbbells up

Stand exactly raise the hand with the dumbbells to the level of the temples, elbows tight. We run forward and squeeze the dumbbells in the flat of the hands over the head. We return to the initial position, is flexible, and elbows, and we run towards the other foot is lifted the dumbbells up. To lose weight and to fine-tune the muscles of the belly exercise we try to meet, without any rush;

  • The sidebar with the rise of hands-free for up

We're in the top side of the foot belonging to the reference, we are on the side of the bar, with emphasis on direct the elbow and a leg. The free hand rise gently upwards, keeping the bar from the tension of the abdominal muscles, obliques and pulling of the waist that does not curve. Breathe gently and hold for 20 seconds, then switch side and effort on the other side of the trunk through a consistent support to slim the sides;

  • Strap with the Mahi of the legs in the part

We become a bar, with the support of the bent at a right angle and your elbows. Alternately lift each of your legs, we have on one side, and again we go back to the sheet. Work all upper muscles to develop abs and hips.

lose weight in the waist

Remove the fat after childbirth

Remove the fat from the abdomen and sides after giving birth? First of all, the young mother should seek to ensure the health and mood — good food, sleep, and the joy of the spirit is one of the first attendees as soon as in losing weight after the birth. But this rounded mouth and the belly of the young mothers are not resolved, it is necessary to effective exercises for women after childbirth to lose weight and tone the muscles.

It is considered that the sport, with the approval of your doctor may begin about a month after the natural birth, if the mother before delivery took just parisian with an active lifestyle. Clean the belly and the sides less mobile parturients may start after a month and a half after the birth. Have undergone a caesarean section ğsemántica until the first exercises in the weight loss of around 2.5 months after the operation.

"Vacuum" in the early stages should be done lying on a firm surface will, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, even before the first glass of water. To do the "Vacuum" is correct, you must bend the knees and separate the hands on the face. Then, you must breathe deeply and exhale all the air accumulated in the abdomen, the tension of all the muscles of the belly, precisely, at the time of the arrest of the exhalation. In a deep exhalation of breath, the sternum must be disclosed, and the stomach as stepping on it. Don't rush, pay attention to each muscle of the abdomen from tension on the exhalation. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. The deeper and longer the movement, the more young mother will be able to lose weight.

From the most active set of exercises for weight loss after delivery you must select the same movement that suits you and to all women to reduce the volume of fat in belly and sides:

  • torsion in the ground;
  • the elevations of the hip lying down;
  • uploaded direct of legs lying on the back;
  • uploaded direct of legs lying at the sides;
  • all types of sheet metal;
  • she squats next to the wall.

Don't forget the breathing technique, when in the exhalations of a maximum strain the muscles of the abdomen, the thighs, the back, and the first results of thinning necessarily will be announced.