The Dukan Diet

The diet, developed by the French nutritionist pierre Dukan, today it is very popular in france. The Dukan diet is fairly simple, though strict, the exact application of all the rules is very effective. It is recommended to those looking for losing 10 kg of excess weight and more.

Dr. Dukan

The Dukan diet belongs to the category of low carb diets and allows for no restrictions on the amount of fast food you lose weight. The high content in dietary protein provides the body with the needed energy, and weight loss will at the expense of body fat, and not muscle tissue.

In addition, the system of the Dukan helps to maintain the weight reached your weight in the course of a lifetime.

The dignity of the Dukan diet

An unlimited number of food; there is no distinction of the time of day and the number of meals; the basis of the diet – the natural products, which makes it safe; the Dukan diet effective, even if your body has already developed resistant "immunity" to the different methods of weight loss; a high level of motivation thanks to the quick loss of pounds: every week, it may take from 3 to 5 kg; the diet is suitable for those who like good food and the use of magic in the kitchen; to respect their place: at home, in the office, traveling, at the coffee shop.

Disadvantages of the Dukan diet

In the early days can make you feel tired, fatigue – this expresses the action of ketone bodies, which suppress appetite, the formulation of which stimulates the Dukan diet; in the menu contains an insufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements, so that during the diet you should take supplementary vitamin-mineral complex, to remedy the lack of fat in the diet is necessary when cooking using a small amount of fats of vegetable origin, people who do not like to cook, the Dukan diet can quickly get boring.

Phases of the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet consists of 4 phases: phase of "attack" (start), "cruise" (bands), fixation, and stabilization. The deadline to comply of these phases depends on the amount of pounds that you want to delete.

Each phase of the diet has its own characteristics, but there are a number of general rules: every day should drink 1.5-2 litres of pure water without gas; all the days is the oat bran (at different stages of its number varies); the diet must be combined with the physical light of xlsm and walks in the fresh air (not less than 20 minutes in the first phase, not less than 30 minutes in each follow-up).

Stage 1: the Attack (the beginning)

The menu of the first stage of the protein (the protein of the food, the PP). At this stage, the goal of the diet is a start in the body excision of adipose tissue. This process can be accompanied by discomfort, dryness of the mouth, the occurrence of slight smell of the mouth. These "side effects" they say that the diet you begin to act.

Grilled fish

The loss of weight in the launch phase you can compose 2-6 kg of initial Duration of the phase is determined on the basis of their excess weight in the beginning of the diet: 10-20 unnecessary kg – 3 to 5 days; 20-30 unnecessary kg – 5-7 days; 30 unnecessary kg and more than 5 to 10 days. More than 10 days to comply with the phase of "attack" is not valid.

Of the diet in the first stage are excluded from sugar (but you can use saharozameniteli), the majority of varieties of meat, duck, chicken, rabbit, beef, pork, lamb, beef, veal, lamb).

Permitted products (can be consumed individually, can be mixed): the meat of chicken and turkey without skin (very boiled); lean ham; beef fillet liver, kidneys, tongue; any fish (boiled, steamed, grilled), seafood; eggs, low-fat dairy products, no added sugar and fruit, no more than 800 grams in the evening.

Drinks allowed are coffee, herbal and traditional teas, dietary of the stake. It is valid to add to the food vinegar, condiments and spices, the garlic and the onion in small amount of salt. You can eat a little pickles, pickles, lemon (but not to add to the drinks). It can be consumed in moderate amounts of mustard.

Every day, you should also eat 1,5 table. tablespoons of oat bran. The compliance of this condition in all the phases of the Dukan diet it is important for the proper functioning of the intestine and the excretion of the breakdown products of fats.

Stage 2: "the Cruise" (bands)

The allowed products in the launch phase, are added to the vegetables (raw, cooked or raw, at any time and in any quantity). However, to achieve a result important to observe the proper rotation of the products.

The duration of this phase depends on how quickly you reached the desired weight. The amount of discharges pounds depends on the rotation of protein and vegetables menu: less than 10 kg: proteins (pp) – protein + vegetables (PL) 1 after 1 day or 3/3, 5/5 (selected rotation scheme can be changed at any time); more than 10 kg: 5/5 days.

Fixed vegetables: cucumbers; tomatoes; radishes; asparagus; spinach; beans struchkovaya; cabbage; eggplant; celery; zucchini; bell peppers; beets; carrots. You can't say, beets and carrots at every meal, eat vegetables various. To the vegetables you can add mushrooms.

The daily menu is necessary to add 2 table. tablespoons of oat bran.

You can't consume starchy products: potatoes, rice, corn and other cereals, peas, beans, lentils, avocado.

The consolidation stage of the diet

The menu of the second phase of the Dukan diet that can liven spices (including pepper, and adzhika), garlic, marinated, pickles, tomato sauce (1 tbsp), gelatin, starch (1 tablespoon), milk with low fat content, the cheese with a fat content of not more than 6% (30 g.), red or white wine (3 table. tablespoons), low-fat cream (1 teaspoon), cocoa with low content of fat (1 tsp), tofu, surimi (crab sticks, sticks, no more than 8 pieces per day).

However, these supplements can be consumed only two of the products in the store. The fish in this moment, it can be replaced by natural fishing canned without added oil. You can use saharozameniteli, when you cook the soy sauce.

Stage 3: Consolidation of

The task of the third stage – re-feeding, not getting kilos. The duration of the phase of fixation depends on the lost during the diet, of weight: for every pound kg – 10 days fastening.

For the daily menu, in the stage of fixing appropriate: all of the products of the first and second stages of fruits, besides cherries, grapes and bananas (every day a portion); 2 slices of bread; 40 grams mature cheese; 2 times a week – starch products (pasta, potatoes, legumes, rice).

The daily menu should add daily 2,5 table. tablespoons of oat bran. In addition, in the third phase of the Dukan diet 2 times a week 1 meal can turn into a "feast" and pay for everything you want.

Keep in mind that these two days you can not give a row! 1 day a week (the best way of Thursday) should be protein (pp).

Stage 4: Stabilization of

On the menu at this stage may include anything that you want. Your goal is to stabilize the achieved weight. It is important to note 2 of the rule: every day to eat 3 table. tablespoons of oat bran, 1 day a week to keep clean the protein in the diet (pp). Other exceptions or limitations for the final phase of the Dukan diet does not imply. The duration of its fulfillment – all the rest of the life.

The desserts of a book of 350 recipes from the Dukan diet

The meringue

1-2 sachets of strawberry sweetener, 10 protein, parchment, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Chocolate brownies

The proteins of the beat with the lemon juice until the foam support, add the sweetener. Of a pastry bag or a spoon to put on the serving tray of meringue, bake it at temperature of 200 degrees. Some types of sweetener can burn, below this temperature, if that is the case, the heat the furnace does not exceed 180 degrees.

Chocolate brownies

For "the test" – 2 tablespoons of oat bran, a bit of cocoa ("ideal " Russian" or "Gold of direct access, or of any other kind without sugar), 200 g of creamy curd from 0 to 2% fat, 4, and 5 protein, 1 egg yolk. For cream – 1 package of cottage cheese, a sachet of vanilla, strawberry sweetener. For decoration you can bake the above recipe of meringue.

To begin whipping proteins and add the cocoa, right there cast into the bran, and knead the dough. Little by little, without ceasing to interfere, we introduce the cocoa, cheese, the yolk of an egg. Some people prefer to add to the mass of a sweetener, for example, powder of stevia, while others go on to the sweet cream and "ornaments". "The mass", pour in a round shape, and bake at temperatures of the order of 180 degrees. Meanwhile, beat cream cheese, with ideal sweetener and vanilla. The last is necessary a little, otherwise, the product may be a bitter taste. Following the cake should be cool, and, or cut immediately in party cakes and decorate cheese with the cream and the meringue, or cut by half, interspersed with cream and decorate with them at the top. These recipes are ideal for "Attack". If you're in the "consolidation" or "cruise" cakes can be interspersed, for example, pumpkin jam, for even more interesting flavor.

Pumpkin jam

1 kg of pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves, steam, 1 lemon (the juice). The pumpkin cut into how you can reduce and cook in a bain marie. Grind blender, add the lemon juice and spices, the cinnamon taking ground.

Muffins savoury

150 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons oat bran, 4 protein, 2 egg yolks, the yeast or baking powder. Yolks grind with cottage cheese, protein shake, add bran, mix with the cottage cheese. It can be a bit of salt or add spices that you like. In order to add the baking powder.

Bake at 150 degrees for half an hour. If you want the pastries are not "opal", the oven in the process, it is better not to open.

Vanilla ice cream

Vanilla ice cream

A glass of skimmed milk in powder, 20 g of gelatin normal, 4 protein, 6 tablets sweetener 1 sachet of vanilla. Proteins pour in a foam, it can be a bit of salt, so that it is not dropped.

To them, by the way, add the cocoa or cinnamon, if you prefer the chocolate flavor. Saharozamenitel add, at the end, to "break" all of which have been formed of him, lumps and bubbles. The gelatin razmochit in hot water, heat the milk, mix with the gelatine, continuing to stir, add 3 pills a sweetener. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved, but with the fire of remove. To re-ignite the blender, and carefully, a thin stream pour the milk with the gelatin in protein. Previously it is necessary to cool to a little warm of state for the proteins do not l have been swept away. Add the vanilla, mix. If the refrigerator, leave on for 15 minutes, and then break down in forms and send in the freezer, if the freezer is not, you only have to select more than flat shapes, such as bowls, and freeze. In the last stage lasts for about 3 to 4 hours, depending on the power of the freezer.

Crêpes and pancakes Dukane

Pumpkin pancakes

150 to 200 g pumpkin, 120 ml milk, 2 tablespoons of skim milk powder (if not, he will come down any insulating of the protein, in addition to fruit flavors, but then it is not necessary to take sweetener, as it has in the composition of the isolates), 2-3 tablespoons of oat bran (some replaced 1 tablespoon of bran and a spoon of cornstarch) with a little soda, slaked lemon juice, a little clove, 4 and 5 of proteins, 150 g of cottage cheese.

The pumpkin, boil in water or steam until soft, then mash with a fork or transform it into puree with the help of a blender. Proteins whisk, add the cottage cheese, the milk, again whisking, add bran, mix, add the sweetener and powdered milk and then pumpkin puree, beat again, and at the end we put the bicarbonate of sodium. The oven pancakes best of all, especially the crepe maker, which can turn the full, lifted by the handle. Use the minimum of olive oil to grease the form and bake at medium heat. Cloves can be added to the water before cooking pumpkin, and you can grind in a mortar, mix with cinnamon and pour in the dough before baking.

The pumpkin fritters

2 courgettes-zucchini, 1 red onion, 2 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder, a little olive oil, any seasoning of mixed vegetables, and one of salt, 1 egg, a pair of proteins.

Vegetable marrows with an arc of three on the grater, milk powder beat together with the eggs, mix. Spread the dough on a baking sheet, with parchment spoon, bake at a temperature of 180 degrees until tender. Crêpes for each phase of the diet 2 tablespoons of oat bran razmochit in the water, add 1-2 eggs, beat quickly and fry in a frying pan, burning, or in the crepe maker. Present the crepes with trout, the trout or the cottage cheese, gradually with the taste of sweetener.

Cabbage fritters

Cabbage fritters

1 kg of cauliflower, 1 cup bran, 1 cup of yogurt, 3 eggs, a little baking soda, 1 onion, 2-3 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder.

Col cook until tender, drain the water, grind vegetable blender. The onion grate, and connected with the col, the finger to pour the bran, whisk the eggs, mix the bran, yoghurt, eggs, cabbage, mashed potatoes, a little salt and leave on for 10 minutes in a bowl. Then, add the baking soda and skimmed milk powder, mix well, cook in a hot fry pan, pouring in her 1-2 tablespoons act.

You can bake the apple pie in the oven, in this case, the grill is not water with oil and cover with parchment or baking paper.


1 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 glass of yogurt broth with no fillers, saharozamenitel powder, bond paper of cottage cheese, 4 protein, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons bran, vanilla aroma.

Cottage cheese, the protein, the eggs and before soaked in the water of oatmeal that we make the dough for cheesecakes, quickly fry on both sides in a teflon pan, pass on a baking sheet, with parchment for baking, and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. The yogurt mixture with the cocoa and sweetener, give the rich with the sauce.