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  • What is a fasting day, what is it for and how often should it be organized. Options for the most effective easy days, fasting rules, daily menus, comparison of the effectiveness of one-day diets - all this is explained later in the article.
    31 October 2023
  • The original but complex ketogenic diet is suitable for both men and women. The products are selected from two lists, the menu of the week is made up of them. There are many recipes for losing weight.
    10 January 2022
  • Benefits, cons and contraindications of a low carbohydrate diet. Slimming menu for a week. Table of carbohydrate content in food. Diet recipes.
    22 October 2021
  • The concept of "proper nutrition for weight loss" is not clearly defined. Which version is considered correct and how is it preferable to eat to lose weight? What Foods Are Best To Eat With Proper Nutrition For Weight Loss?
    23 June 2021